
This week is fairly straightforward. Read the articles. Listen to / watch the sermons or lectures. The average adult reads 300 words per minute. We have assumed a slower reading pace and time for re-reading and contemplation.

#1: Article: Hermeneutics 101: Interpreting Scripture with Scripture (5min)

http://www.realmanschool.com/go/herm101 (~750word)

#2: Article: 7 Tips for Better Bible Study (5min)

http://www.realmanschool.com/go/bible-study-tips (~630 words)

#3: Article: What to Say When Someone Says, “The Bible Has Errors” (5min)

http://www.realmanschool.com/go/bible-has-errors (~1000 words)

#4: Article: Can the New Testament be Trusted? (5min)

http://www.realmanschool.com/go/new-testament-trusted (~1100 word)

#5: Audio Lecture: Understanding the Story Line of the Bible (70min)

http://www.realmanschool.com/go/understanding-the-story  – Click “Download” and follow instructions. 
This sweeping message spans the entire Bible: Genesis to Revelation. Beginning with creation, Mark Dever summarizes the Old Testament in two words: promises made. Dever then moves to the New Testament, summarizing it in the phrase promises kept. If you have difficulty downloading the file at the link above. Try the alternate location below: 

Alternate Download Location:  http://www.realmanschool.com/go/understanding-the-story-2 (Go to File > Download)

#6: Audio / Video Sermon: Doctrine: God Speaks (60min)


#7: Bible Reading (20min)

Read the following passages: Proverbs 3:5-6, Numbers 14:11, Acts 1:1-5, Luke 1:1-4, John 10. Reflect on these in light of what you have learned. Journal about your ideas / questions.

#8: Article: The Genres of Scripture (10min)

Reference #3-1 on page 84 OR http://www.realmanschool.com/go/coulter-genres (~1750 words)

#9: Quick Response (10min)
